Monday 26 September 2011

A trip to Heal

There will be times in your life when everything doesn’t go your way. There will be times in your life when everything seems grey. You see the world is not simply painted in Black and White; there are all those shades in between. It is amazing how health can be affected by the way you are feeling. It is also amazing how a trip or an adventure can give you a new perspective on life. Recently a friend of mine has been having some real trouble she has a stressful job and is involved with the amazing drugs fertility plus for women and nhp omega 3 plus. But this can all be very demanding, on top of this she has had some serious personal problems that I won’t get into. My point is that she was in a dark place and I knew as a friend I needed to step in and show her life is worth living.

With my all my air miles that I have accumulated it was easy to get us two flights to pretty much anywhere, but where we chose is quite interesting we decided to go to Israel. My friend is quite religious so I thought it would be good that we walk through the Holy Land and get her to see a perspective on things and realize that life is bigger than all of us. As we landed in Jerusalem I could see my friend’s face change she has never travelled and this was a large eye opener for her. Walking through that ancient city and knowing that it had been standing for thousands of years was amazing to behold. It is also straight to know that this patch of Earth has caused some of the world’s biggest conflicts. Taking a further journey we saw all the sites that have made this place so famous. We saw all the places that played a big role in the Bible, including the Sea of Galilee, which was something to behold. After a few days of trekking through the Holy sites we decided to head down to Tel Aviv and onto the Mediterranean Sea. It was a great time and I could really see that the trek and adventure through this amazing country was healing my friend.

I know not everyone can travel, but you don’t have to leave the country to find a journey or adventure. Travel and finding that experience can heal us in the hardest of times. But it is also good to remember that “happiness is only real when shared”.

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