Monday 8 August 2011

Live Life for the Here and Now

I recently received a nice bonus at work and wanted to do something different with the money. You might say why not save it, why not put it away for a rainy day. My thoughts on this, is life is about making experiences and making memories that you will remember for the rest of your life. I am a spontaneous person and making plans for the future does not fly with me. Why plan for a future that you have no way of knowing what would happen, no idea what obstacles will be thrown in your way. What you have to do is live for the now and create events and experiences in the here and now. So I won’t be saving that money, no, but I won’t be travelling either and some of you may find that strange, especially if you know me well.

What I have decided is a different sort of adventure a little closer to home, and it involves events management. I am going get some events management planning teams in and plan for a great party for my friends. They are a very important part of my life and have got me through some hard times. Relationships come and go, but friendship is forever, a bit deep but true and I feel that I need to give back to them (there of course we be the fact that they will think I am really cool, so that doesn’t hurt either), but really what it is, is the fact that life is for living, so I plan on living every second, no regrets, no looking back and realize that everything happens for a reason.

So what is in store, well I will need it to be planned that there is enough seating for about 100 people, drinks on arrival, maybe a welcome not and then I would like a 3 course meal, but what would follow that is the main attraction, the actual party time. A DJ or a band, I just can’t quite decide, but whatever I choose, I know that it will be an event to remember and that I am going to make every moment count.

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