Thursday 11 August 2011

Another Adventure

I have always wanted to see the big 5 upfront and that is exactly what I planned to do. Arriving at my camp I was highly impressed by the whole setup of everything around me. It was no mere, bush and dirt camp, no no, it was luxury, like 5 star stuff. These were no mere tents, these were like the sheik tents of old with 5 star treatment overlooking the bush, and maybe an animal or two. Well that’s what I thought till my first night I was sound asleep and awoke to all sorts of noises, it was official I was in Africa. I could hear Lions that must have been close to my tent and then as I used my torch and shone it on the bush I could see a whole host of eyes staring back at me. Well that was quite unsettling, but I guess that’s what I signed up for.

The next morning we were up bright and early to a smacking breakfast, great eggs and bacon, but then it was off for our first game drive of the trip. In that fresh cool morning air I must admit for the first hour, we did not see a single animal not even a bird….ok maybe a bird. I was getting pretty upset and as I thought this was an absolute was out of the bush emerged two Rhino’s, wow they are the tanks of the animal world marching through the world. That was the key to our day it all turned around from there and by the time we got home we had seen lions and sorts of buck, zebra’s, giraffe and many more. What a great day.

It was time for our night drive something that I had been looking forward to ever since I arrived there. Getting into the truck as the sun was setting, I was so excited. Coming from a city I truly have never respected the great world of nature and have never really understood why people get so caught up in the fight for it. But I can safely say that after this trip I am a changed person, I have opened my eyes to the world. No more will I ignore the problems of the world, but will look to protect this paradise.

Ok I am getting side tracked, as we set off on our night journey I realized how great this was going to be, and as the temperature dropped I pulled the blankets provided up and got ready for a great time. Just my luck the first thing we come along to….is wow…a lion kill and it must have just happened, because I can tell you the King of the Jungle was getting stuck in. Rather scary, but amazing at the same time if that can be understood. We watched that for some time before continuing our drive, with the spotlight shinning all over I could just see all the eyes looking back at me. We got to see a herd of elephants and many other animals, but for me the highlight was defiantly the lions.

As I got back to camp I realized that I had 3 more days of this amazing place to experience and I cannot explain to you how great it felt. I will update on what actually happened, but just realize that I was great seeing everything on my tours to South Africa and will be back for another Kruger park tour

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