Monday 15 August 2011

Holiday or Business

Living in luxury, working in luxury, travelling in style, these are the things that most of us dream of, well if you don’t then you probably have it already. So what I am getting at is on my lovely travels I have now had to opportunity to travel and look for hotels in Meath. Meath you say, where on earth is that? Well it is in Ireland and by me simply Googling, book hotel Ireland I can see where this place is. Dublin to be more specific a place that let’s be honest is simply beautiful.

Travelling to the UK has always been a favourite of mine, there is so much history here, after all us Americans came from here (well at least some of us). I love football (soccer for you back home) and the UK is footie mad so on this business trip a match was defiantly on the cards. The rolling Hills of Ireland they surely are great and it almost makes me feel guilty that this is a business trip (almost;).

Checking into the hotel everyone was very professional, and the hotel was very impressive, I have been very lucky to stay in my fair share of hotels and I can say that it was up there with the best. The room had a warm feeling, but what was more for me was the facilities that were there. What stood out was the restaurant, I think I spent at least 3 hours there a day during my stay and will working I would sit day dreaming of the food and atmosphere. I am also a fan of horses and Meath it seems shares my love. You can attend the Royal Meath Equestrian Centre, just to go on a great riding outing. For you more adventure types you can take a trip to Trim Castle where if you are a movie buff, you will know was used in the filming of the Classic Braveheart.

All work and no play would make me a dull person, but I am very blessed to say that, even when I am working it feels like I am playing. There really are amazing things to do in this country and I intend to do them all.

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