Tuesday 12 July 2011

Trip to the Kruger

Recently I wanted to go on an African adventure; I thought that it would be the best to go on Kruger national park safaris as with them I would be able to get the experience that I want most. So that is what I decided, I would go on a Kruger Park tour and hopefully have an experience of a lifetime, little did I know that I would get more than I bargained for.

On arrival I settled into my camp site, and when I say camp site I don’t mean a mere tent, this was a 5 star luxury tent with king size bed and open plan bathroom. I could look out of my bedroom and see the wild bush and even animals walking by….I had surely arrived at one of the most beautiful places on earth.

After some activities at camp and meet and greet, it was time for our first game drive and this would prove o be one of the highlights. It was a night drive so the spotlight was shining everywhere and we all searched the bush to see those eyes staring back at us. Suddenly out of nowhere we saw a lion run out of the bush and then another and then another, they were chasing something. The Ranger quickly set of in pursuit but keeping a safe distance, then we heard it the cry of Zebra as it ran for its life, my heart was pumping like nothing I had felt (until a few days later that is though) and then the light caught it, we witnessed a text book lion kill, the kings of the jungle bringing down their prey was something to behold (one little girl was crying, why was she here).

We returned to our camp happy and I could not wait for the rest of my drives, as the week went on I went on pretty standard drives, seeing animals here and there and it was all very enjoyable, but nothing compared to that first night. So it happened that I arrived at my last drive that we came across a herd of elephants, and my word did they not want to be disturbed, the head female, turned to us and charged, even reversing as fast as we could they mighty beast was closing on us. I thought we were in serious trouble, but we managed to reverse through the trees and that caused the elephant to come crashing into them, bringing down a full grown tree (I remember thinking that could have been us). Flustered but excited my time in the bush was over.

I had, had a great experience that would make many jealous. I can tell you this that my journey into Africa has been great and I will be back soon.

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