Monday 16 May 2011

My Cape Town Tour

Wow what a place to visit on my many travels I think I have found a place that is up there with the best, South Africa, more importantly Cape Town. I took my Cape Town tour in December last year and it was an absolute delight. Seeing, mountains, Oceans (yes two Indian and Atlantic), penguins, whales, islands...and more,  it was simply breathe taking, especially coming from the land locked state of Tennessee in America.

First of all I arrive to a taxi waiting to take me to my accommodation cape town , It was a lovely hotel as I thought why not stay in style (lol), with sea views and an ocean breeze like I had never felt before. Once I had settled in I took a stroll down to the beach, Clifton it was called, and my word, what a beach it is. A blue flag beach with a strong European feel (topless tanner here and there), and gleaming water. The Water is very cold after all it is the Atlantic Ocean, but take a dip anyway it will refresh you and leave u feeling great, and maybe you will get lucky and see a whale just like I did, what a majestic creature, nothing like I have seen back home. I didn't plan to go on a whale watching tour, but after that I thought it had to be done.

I took a boat out after spending the morning at the Cape Town Water front, who needs to go to Europe for shopping when this place is around, and the restaurants? what a pleasure, had a fantastic lunch. But I am getting side tracked, off I went on a Whale watching trip and saw many whales, to which the skipper told us we were very lucky. On the trip we passed, by Robin Island, the place where the great leader Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for so many years during the struggle times in this now rainbow nation (as I am told by a local, with far to little teeth).

The Next day I went to pebble beach for a bit and saw the penguins which was a great treat as I love animals. I touched and even swam with them which was rather marvelous, but no rest, next I was off to Table Mountain a sight in itself, like the name it really is like the dinning room table of the Gods. After a Cable Car ride up, I had lunch and enjoyed the walk and views of the mountain. If you are going to do something in Cape Town this would be it for me. You can see the entire city all the way to Stellenbosch and you can really get a feel for the beauty of this country. You may ask what on earth is Stellenbosch, well I had no idea until part of my tour took me there for a Wine tour, and I do love wine. The winelands of America and Europe that I have seen have got really stiff competition, because in my opinion they pale in comparison, although that could have been the wine talking.

So if you want to take a trip somewhere I would advise Cape Town, and if you want a travel buddy, look me up, I know I will be back there the first chance I get.

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