Tuesday 19 July 2011

An Engineering Holiday

The world of engineering is a mighty place, there are times I have considered I should have studied engineering, but thought I could never hack it. Engineering is all around us and essential part of everyday life, it’s not just mighty structures, but trailer manufactures and fire engines and well, it truly is all around us. On my many travels I have found that Engineering is all around us and is the reason why some cities in the world are simply amazing.

Traveling to Rome as I walked through the ancient streets I could feel the history all around me, but more so the structures, the aqueducts the coliseum, the forums and the ancient roads that connected the empire and have stood the test of time. Just stopping and thinking none of this could have been possible without the engineers that created these amazing structures. Seeing that this amazing profession stems back thousands of years and has been a part of human lives since they decided to put a support beam in their tent or mud hut.

The ancient and the modern can be seen in Italy and it is a marvel to see of the generations of engineers has shaped this beautiful country. On my travels I have looked upon many marvels and I have always wondered what the world would look like if there were no engineers, would we all be in caves and living in the bush, well no matter we don’t have to worry because this is not happening. Even now as I begin to plan my trip to Dubai and am excited to see all the mighty structures that have been created, the words cranes all seem to want to be in this place where any structure is possible. A 7 star hotel, an underwater restaurant, and all the many amazing hotels that I plan to go and see. If they are able to create a paradise in the desert then there is really nothing that engineering cannot accomplish.

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