Tuesday 6 September 2011

How Google Maps are Key

I have been planning my next escape from the world; I want to go somewhere exotic or random and what my usual plan of action would be is that I would go to a travel agent and get my information from them or friends and once I got to my destination I would go to the information centre and find out what exactly my plan of attack would be. But this time I planned something a little different and I would defiantly recommend it to you. I spent several hours on the internet having web hosting and uncapped business adsl defiantly does help with being able to scour the web at max speed and not worry about cap.

Google this and Google that, and pretty soon I had an Idea of where I wanted to go. In this wonderful modern world of ours it is funny to think that we can organize a rugged trek through third world countries just by using technology first. A click here and a click there and enquires, bookings and payments can be made.

I now think who needs a Garmin when you have Google Maps, I would advise that if you are planning a trip then go onto Google maps and map out your journey. You can in depth directions and even mark it on a map that you can print out. I have had success with this and it saves you time getting to know the layout now rather when you are trekking through a foreign country (although there is a sense of adventure to having no idea to where you going). Of course that is fun too and I have done many of those, but I promise you that there is nothing better than knowing that everything is organized and you can just go with the flow. I would advise that you at least have an outline plan, so that for the places that you know you are defiantly going to you have a plan for where you are going to stay.

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